
Welcome to TechTalk.

Hi everyone! My name is Daniel Prat Beltrán and I'm the owner of this blog called "TechTalk". I'm a Valencian guy of 26 years old who studied in the University of Valencia in order to become a teacher. I studied there between 2015 and 2019 and I specialized on the ICT field. After that, I was getting ready in order to pass the civil servant exam, but I wasn't lucky enough to get a place. 

Now that I introduced myself a bit, I want to tell you what you will find while reading this blog. Along these entries I will try to show you all I know about activities and all other things related to teaching with ICT and their role in our lives. 

We will also discuss practical tips and tricks for using technology more effectively and start new and exciting projects for our schools.

Whether if you are a master or a casual tech enthusiast, I recommend you to stay tuned, I'm pretty sure you will learn something new!


  1. Good morning, Daniel. First of all thank you for sharing your work.

    I must be objective with your work.

    I really liked that you use the text of Hagrid's dialogue, but perhaps I would have put it in some application as in CANVA, in a clearer way to introduce students; I emphasize the importance of continuing with popular literature.

    I think you should take into account in every activity you do the age of the students, the adaptation to the level of difficulty and a detailed explanation for your students.
    In your blog post you told us that you were going to show us practical tips and tricks to use technology more effectively and I really missed it; I have been looking for it so I can take your tips and use them.

    Otherwise, all good. Thanks for everything.



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